The Renal Physicians Association (RPA) believes
that members of its Board of Directors and others in positions of leadership (such as Committee Members) have a responsibility to carry out the Association’s business for the benefit
of the Association. The RPA is a professional individual membership association,
and as such recognizes that many of its members will have relationships with
other entities, including pharmaceutical and device manufacturers, dialysis
facility owners and other organizations. Leaders of the RPA must ensure that
when they consider any specific issue on behalf of the Association, they do not
have a substantial conflict of interest. RPA therefore established this policy
and procedures to manage conflicts of interest.
RPA considers a serious potential conflict of
interest to exist when a Board member, association leader or Committee member has a relationship
with, or engages in any activity, or has a personal financial interest or
consulting relationship that creates a risk such that the professional judgment
or actions of a Board member, association leader or Committee member regarding the RPA’s mission
and core values may be unduly and inappropriately influenced.
In a practical sense, a serious perceived conflict
of interest is generally defined as that level of involvement with outside
relationships or interests which may cause embarrassment or lead to questions
concerning the Board member or other leader’s motives with regard to RPA business.
- Disclosure
- The
RPA will develop and maintain processes that document, review and track
potential conflicts of interest for its Board of Directors and other
- A
Conflict of Interest Form will be executed by July 1st each
year by each member of the Board of Directors and members of Standing
- The
disclosure statement will name all leadership positions in dialysis
organizations, industry, value based care (VBC), sponsored research and other medical or
professional organizations.
- The
disclosure will include all financial relationships with these
organizations, direct or indirect for the individual or their spouse including
salaries, royalties, consultancies, speaker’s bureaus, honoraria,
income-generating relationships with health care facilities or other
funding sources. Holdings in retirement funds or mutual funds will not be
reported. The fee for Medical Directorship(s) of Dialysis Facilities is also
excluded. Two categories of financial disclosure will be requested:
i. Less than $50,000/year
ii. Greater than
or equal to $50,000/year
- Ownership
positions, stock holdings, or partnerships in organizations doing
business in renal medicine will be disclosed when such positions exceed
$50,000 in value.
- Members
of the RPA Board of Directors or Committees may recuse themselves from discussion and
voting when conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of
interest are present. In cases where there is a conflict of interest, uncertainty
regarding a conflict of interest, or the appearance of a conflict of
interest the Board of Directors will determine the need for a member’s
recusal. Minutes of all meetings will list all recusals.
- Transparency
and Standardization
- A
uniform policy on potential bias and conflicts of interest will be
reviewed biannually.
- A
Potential Conflict of Interest Form will be executed by July 1st
each year by all members of the RPA Board of Director and standing
committee members.
- All
Potential Conflicts of Interest Forms will be made available to all
members of the Association upon request.
- Evaluation
executive committee will act as the Conflict of Interest Committee and will
regularly review the Association’s Conflict of Interest policies and
procedures, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors to maximize its
- This
committee will review the Potential Conflict of Interest forms each year,
and will make recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning any
actions needed to maintain the integrity of the Association.
- A
document outlining the principles this committee will follow will be
prepared and reviewed biannually.
- Any
concerns brought before the Association concerning Conflict of Interest
will be considered by this committee, whose recommendations will be
reported to the Board of Directors.
The examples below illustrate potential situations
that may be presented to the Conflict of Interest Committee for consideration.
They are intended to help guide decisions; however, all situations cannot be predicted,
and each situation will need to take into account the unique circumstances it
presents. In this chart, “A” means acceptable with disclosure, “M” means may be
acceptable with disclosure if committee approves. “HLS”, High Level of
Scrutiny, means that there is sufficient potential conflict or perception of
conflict that the committee must carefully consider the candidate and their
role when making its recommendation to the Board of Directors. The RPA Board of Directors must vote on
recommendations for candidates affected by the “HLS” classification.
Situation Committee Chair Board
Member Officer
Full-time employee, officer,
Board Director Member or Medical
Director of Dialysis Company M M HLS
Board member of
renal-related national organization M M HLS
Full-time employee, officer,
Board Director Member of Value
Based Care Organization M M HLS
Committee chair of
renal-related national organization M M M
Full-time employee, officer or
Board of Director Member of
Pharma Company or Device
Manufacturer M HLS HLS
Investor or Participant in ACO/
Shared Savings Program A M M
Consultant to Dialysis
Company A M M
Consultant to Pharma
Company or Device Manufacturer A M M
Substantial Ownership
Position of a Dialysis Facility
Or Facilities A M M
To be clear,
all appointments to the BOD receive a high level of scrutiny by the nature of
the process and that the BOD must vote on the appointment.
In order for
the members of the Renal Physicians Association (RPA) Board of Directors, association leaders and Committee members to be
fully informed during the conduct of the Association's business, any and all
actual and potential conflicts of interest are required to be disclosed by each
elected and appointed member of the RPA Board of Directors and all Committee members on no less than an annual basis by July 1st of each year. Such conflicts of interest must be disclosed
to ensure that each member of the RPA Board of Directors or standing Committee has the opportunity to
formulate his/her/their individual opinions about the issues being addressed by the
Board or Committee with knowledge of any Board or Committee member's involvement with the issue. Conflict of interest disclosure changes/updates should be reported within 30 days of such changes in any given year.
You are required to sign and return this
form annually during your tenure and participation
on the RPA Board of Directors or Standing Committee.