RPA governance activities offer members an opportunity to volunteer their time and get involved with RPA. Committees serve as the thought leadership workforce of RPA and are a great opportunity to gain knowledge and experience around our many programs and initiatives. Committees help implement RPA strategic planning initiatives, advise on policy and regulatory efforts, create educational programs, and more. Committee service is limited to RPA members only. Joining an RPA committee is easy and can usually be done at any point in the year.
To join an RPA Committee, please complete the committee interest form.
To view each Committee’s roster, log in to RPA’s Member Portal.
To learn more about the roles, responsibilities and requirements for serving on an RPA Committee, please review the RPA Committee Handbook.
All current and potential Committee members are expected to complete the following:
RPA Standing Committees and Charges
Clinical Practice Committee (CPC)
The CPC explores nephrology workforce, credentialing, scope of practice of the nephrologist and dialysis facility medical director, and more.
CURRENT VICE CHAIR: Fariba Zarinetchi, MD
- Review and revise as necessary RPA’s policies on credentialing issues.
- Monitor and develop policy as needed on nephrology work force issues.
- Monitor technological advancements and their impact on delivery of care.
- Increase, define and promote the role of nephrologists as principal providers and leaders of the renal care team for CKD and ESRD patients.
- Document and disseminate data regarding the value of nephrologist-directed kidney care.
- Continue to advance the role and relevance of the dialysis facility medical director.
- Increase the legitimate scope of practice of the nephrologist.
- Define the roles of non-physician providers vis a vis the nephrologist and their training needs.
- Increase early identification and referral of CKD.
Education Committee
The Education Committee develops the RPA Annual Meeting program, eLearning, and RPA sessions at other renal-related meetings throughout the year.
- Develop themes, content, speakers for RPA in person and virtual programs for diverse audiences including seasoned, pediatric, and early career nephrologists; practice administrators; advanced practitioners; and fellows.
- Represent RPA on planning committees for meetings sponsored by other relevant organizations and recommend RPA-related topics and speakers for those programs upon request (e.g., NKF, ASN, ANNA, AAKP, NRAA and other meetings).
Government Affairs Committee (GAC)
The GAC sets RPA’s policy agenda, including legislative priorities for the year as well as engages in partnerships/alliances with relevant renal and non-renal organizations as appropriate.
- Strengthen the public/private policy agenda for RPA.
- Increase effectiveness with influencing and educating key legislators/regulators.
- Increase RPA’s leadership role within the nephrology community for public and private sector policy development.
- Increase partnerships/alliances with relevant organizations as appropriate.
- Increase collaboration with industry initiatives where appropriate.
- Increase influence with non-renal organizations such as ACP, ABIM and AMA.
- Increase effectiveness of RPA regional leaders in influencing local health care policy development.
Health Care Payment Committee (HCPC)
The HCPC addresses all things payment-related, from kidney models to coding.
- Increase awareness and develop tools to assist members with negotiating contracts with payers.
- Promote reasonable compensation for nephrologists.
- Monitor and make recommendations in the area of physician payment.
- Review and recommend changes needed in CPT coding and the Medicare fee schedule.
- Maintain liaison with the AMA RUC and CPT advisory panels.
- Respond to RPA members’ concerns/problems related to physician payment.
- Develop and support a network of nephrology representatives on carrier advisory committees and implement and maintain mechanisms for frequent communication among this group through the Policy, Advocacy, Leadership (PAL) program.
- Oversee the PAL subcommittee, including its work assisting RPA members with impacting policy and coverage decisions at the regional/local level.
Quality, Safety and Accountability Committee (QSA)
The QSA focuses on issues related to physician measurement and accountability, such as patient solicitation.
CURRENT CHAIR: Virginia Irwin-Scott, DO
- Develop and support clinical performance measures and advocate for appropriate use of performance measures by practicing nephrologists, regulatory agencies and payers.
- Contribute to clinical practice guidelines development and policies related to clinical practice guidelines and clinical performance measures.
- Advance initiatives for patient-centered care through the continuum of kidney disease.
- Improve patient safety through the development of strategic partnerships.
- Develop programs, measures, and tools to facilitate physician accountability.
- Develop practice guidelines in areas where the RPA identifies specific needs or opportunities and has appropriate expertise.
- Develop policy related to ethics and quality end of life issues.
- Oversee RPA’s research projects supported by industry.
Practice Managers Committee
The Practice Managers Committee develops educational content about proper billing, coding and documentation practices for the annual meeting and eLearning, resolves coding/reimbursement concerns, and oversees the development and analysis of the RPA Benchmarking survey released every two years.
CURRENT CHAIR: Charlotte Dixon
- Plan programs of particular interest to practice manager members at RPA Annual Meeting.
- Assist with resolving coding/reimbursement problems.
- Develop materials to educate members about proper billing, coding, and documentation practices.
- Oversee development and analysis of benchmarking survey.
RPA Committees of the Board and Charges
Committees of the Board of Directors support RPA operational and administrative efforts. Members of these committees are selected from the current Board of Directors or are included by invitation only.
Bylaws Committee (Ad Hoc)
The Bylaws Committee is a subset of members of the Board of Directors to review and propose revisions to the association bylaws, governance and operational policies as needed.
- Propose revisions to the association’s bylaws and identify the need for resolutions and other operational policies governing management of the association.
Corporate Patrons Committee (Chair: RPA Immediate Past President)
The Corporate Patrons Committee engages with industry to explore and consider ethical, collaborative relationships and partnerships that support the RPA mission and goals to improve quality outcomes for patients with kidney disease.
CURRENT CHAIR: Jeffrey A. Perlmutter, MD
- Identify industry supporters.
- Maintain ethical, collaborative relationships with industry.
- Develop ethical industry partnerships to support RPA programs.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee works and is empowered to make day-to-day decisions (on behalf of the Board of Directors) that are in the best interest of the association in between Board of Directors meetings. The Executive Committee is not empowered to set policy for the organization but is charged with carrying out policy decisions made by the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee is comprised of the Board President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary/Treasurer, Executive Director, Director of Public Policy and Counselor. View the full Board of Directors Roster.
CURRENT CHAIR: Keith A. Bellovich, DO
- Empowered to make decisions (on behalf of the Board) in the best interests of the association on a daily basis for matters requiring action in between Board meetings.
- Strengthen the responsibility/accountability of RPA committees/task forces to perform the work of the RPA.
- Annually evaluate the performance of the association executive director.
Finance Committee (Chair: RPA Secretary/Treasurer)
The Finance Committee reviews financial status, statements, audits and recommends changes to the dues structure.
- Prepare and present to the RPA Board the annual association budget.
- Monitor RPA’s financial status and statements.
- Identify non-dues revenue opportunities.
- Develop and monitor investment strategy for association funds.
- Recommend changes to dues structure as appropriate.
Nominating (Leadership Development) Committee (Chair: RPA Immediate Past President)
The Nominating Committee solicits nominations, evaluates performance, and helps develop candidates for the Board of Directors.
CURRENT CHAIR: Jeffrey A. Perlmutter, MD
- Develop a slate of officers and Board of Director candidates for Board and membership consideration, respectively.
- Develop and implement strategies to increase the pool of potential candidates for Board positions.
- Achieve Board composition that includes individuals with diverse expertise and is representative of the RPA membership.
- Assess Board member participation and performance.
- Review applicants and recommend candidates for RPA early career and first look fellowship.